Source code for adeft.disambiguate

"""Implements classes to disambiguate shortforms given text context."""

import os
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
from hashlib import md5

from adeft.locations import ADEFT_MODELS_PATH
from adeft.recognize import AdeftRecognizer
from adeft.modeling.classify import load_model
from import get_available_models

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

[docs]class AdeftDisambiguator(object): """Disambiguates a particular shortform in a list of texts Parameters ---------- classifier : py:class:`adeft.modeling.classify.AdeftClassifier` Machine learning model for disambiguating shortforms based upon context grounding_dict : dict Dictionary mapping shortforms to grounding_map dictionaries mapping longforms to groundings names : dict Dictionary mapping groundings to canonical names Attributes ---------- shortforms : list of str Shortforms to disambiguate recognizers : list of py:class:`adeft.recognize.AdeftRecognizer` A list of recognizers, one for each shortform, to disambiguate by searching for a defining pattern. labels : set Set of labels that the classifier is able to predict. pos_labels : list of str List of labels of interest. Only these are considered when calculating the micro averaged f1 score for a classifier. """ def __init__(self, classifier, grounding_dict, names): self.classifier = classifier self.shortforms = classifier.shortforms self.recognizers = [AdeftRecognizer(shortform, grounding_map) for shortform, grounding_map in grounding_dict.items()] self.grounding_dict = grounding_dict self.names = names self.labels = (set(value for grounding_map in grounding_dict.values() for value in grounding_map.values()) | set(classifier.estimator.classes_)) self.pos_labels = classifier.pos_labels
[docs] def disambiguate(self, texts): """Return disambiguations for a list of texts First checks for defining patterns (DP) within a text. If there is an unambiguous match to a longform with a defining pattern, considers this to be the correct disambiguation with confidence 1.0. If no defining pattern is found, uses a logistic regression model to predict the correct disambiguation. If there were multiple longforms with different groundings found with a defining pattern, disambiguates to the grounding among these with highest predicted probability. If no defining pattern was found, disambiguates to the grounding with highest predicted probability. Parameters ---------- texts : str or list of str fulltext or list of fulltexts in which to disambiguate shortform Returns ------- result : tuple or list of tuple Disambiguations for text. For each text the corresponding disambiguation is a tuple of three elements. A grounding, a canonical name associated with the grounding, and a dictionary containing predicted probabilities for each possible grounding """ # Handle case where a single string is passed if isinstance(texts, str): return self.disambiguate([texts])[0] # First disambiguate based on searching for defining patterns groundings = [] for text in texts: grounding = set() for recognizer in self.recognizers: grounding.update({x['grounding'] for x in recognizer.recognize(text)}) groundings.append(grounding) # For texts without a defining pattern or with inconsistent # defining patterns, use the longform classifier. undetermined = [text for text, grounding in zip(texts, groundings) if len(grounding) != 1] if undetermined: preds = self.classifier.predict_proba(undetermined) result = [None]*len(texts) # each time we have to use a prediction from the longform classifier # this is incremented so we can keep track of which prediction is to # be used next pred_index = 0 for index, grounding in enumerate(groundings): if len(grounding) == 1: # if an unambiguous defining pattern exists, use this # as the disambiguation. set the probability of this # grounding to one disamb = grounding.pop() pred = {label: 0. for label in self.labels} pred[disamb] = 1.0 result[index] = (disamb, self.names.get(disamb), pred) elif grounding: # if inconsistent defining patterns exist, disambiguate # to the one with highest predicted probability. Set the # probability of the multiple groundings to sum to one unnormed = {label: preds[pred_index][label] if label in grounding else 0. for label in self.labels} norm_factor = sum(unnormed.values()) pred = {label: prob/norm_factor for label, prob in unnormed.items()} disamb = max(pred.keys(), key=lambda key: pred[key]) result[index] = (disamb, self.names.get(disamb), pred) pred_index += 1 else: # otherwise use the longform classifier directly pred = {label: prob for label, prob in preds[pred_index].items()} disamb = max(pred.keys(), key=lambda key: pred[key]) result[index] = (disamb, self.names.get(disamb), pred) pred_index += 1 return result
[docs] def update_pos_labels(self, pos_labels): """Update which labels are considered pos_labels Micro-averaged precision, recall, and f1 scores are also updated. Warning: If this method is called on a disambiguator trained with a a version prior to 0.10.0, global precision, recall, and f1 will be set to NaN. Older disambiguators must be retrained to update positive labels and recompute model statistics. Parameters ---------- pos_labels : list list of strs. Should be a subset of the labels produced by the underlying classifier. Check the labels attribute of the AdeftDisambiguator to see which labels are produced. """ labels = list(self.labels) stats = self.classifier.stats confusion = self.classifier.confusion_info if stats is not None and confusion is not None: num_splits = len(confusion[labels[0]][labels[0]]) TP = np.zeros(num_splits, dtype=int) FP = np.zeros(num_splits, dtype=int) FN = np.zeros(num_splits, dtype=int) for label1 in self.labels: for label2 in self.labels: row = np.array(confusion[label1][label2]) if label1 == label2 and label1 in pos_labels: TP += row if label1 != label2 and label1 in pos_labels: FN += row if label1 != label2 and label2 in pos_labels: FP += row Pr = TP/(TP + FP) Rc = TP/(TP + FN) Pr[Pr == float('inf')] = 0. Rc[Rc == float('inf')] = 0. F1 = 2/(1/Pr + 1/Rc) stats['f1']['mean'] = np.round(np.mean(F1), 6) stats['f1']['std'] = np.round(np.std(F1), 6) stats['precision']['mean'] = np.round(np.mean(Pr), 6) stats['precision']['std'] = np.round(np.std(Pr), 6) stats['recall']['mean'] = np.round(np.mean(Rc), 6) stats['recall']['std'] = np.round(np.std(Rc), 6) elif (stats is not None and set(pos_labels) != set(self.pos_labels)): stats['f1']['mean'] = float('nan') stats['f1']['std'] = float('nan') stats['precision']['mean'] = float('nan') stats['precision']['std'] = float('nan') stats['recall']['mean'] = float('nan') stats['recall']['std'] = float('nan') self.classifier.stats = stats self.classifier.pos_labels = list(pos_labels) self.pos_labels = list(pos_labels)
[docs] def modify_groundings(self, new_groundings=None, new_names=None): """Update groundings and standardized names Modify groundings and standard names for the disambiguator without retraining. Cannot map two existing groundings to a single new grounding, as this leads to a nontrivial change in the model rather than just a relabeling. Parameters ---------- new_groundings : Optional[dict] Dictionary mapping a subset of previous groundings to updated groundings. If None, no groundings are modified. Default: None new_names : Optional[dict] Dictionary mapping a subset of previous groundings to updated names. If None, no names are modified. Default: None """ if new_names is not None: # Check if keys in new_names are a subset of current groundings if not (set(new_names.keys()) <= set(self.names.keys())): raise ValueError('Keys of new names are not a subset of' ' the current groundings') # Update names in names dictionary. Keep groundings the same self.names = {grounding: new_names[grounding] if grounding in new_names else name for grounding, name in self.names.items()} if new_groundings is not None: # Check if keys in new_groundings are a subset of # current groundings if not (set(new_groundings.keys()) <= set(self.names.keys())): raise ValueError('Keys of new groundings are not a subset of' ' the current groundings') # Update keys of names dictionary to new groundings names = {(new_groundings[grounding] if grounding in new_groundings else grounding): name for grounding, name in self.names.items()} # Check that two previously distinct labels have not been merged if len(names) != len(self.names): raise ValueError('Previously distinct groundings have been' ' merged') self.names = names # Update groundings in grounding_dict self.grounding_dict = {shortform: {phrase: (new_groundings[grounding] if grounding in new_groundings else grounding) for phrase, grounding in grounding_map.items()} for shortform, grounding_map in self.grounding_dict.items()} # Update positive labels in disambiguator self.pos_labels = [new_groundings[grounding] if grounding in new_groundings else grounding for grounding in self.pos_labels] # Update classifier classifier = self.classifier # Update positive labels classifier.pos_labels = self.pos_labels # Updated class labels. (This will change the labels for the # predictions the classifier makes) for index, label in enumerate(classifier.estimator.classes_): if label in new_groundings: new_label = new_groundings[label] classifier.estimator.classes_[index] = new_label # Update labels in model statistics so info can be updated if hasattr(classifier, 'stats') and classifier.stats: label_dist = classifier.stats['label_distribution'] label_dist = {(new_groundings[label] if label in new_groundings else label): count for label, count in label_dist.items()} classifier.stats['label_distribution'] = label_dist classifier.stats = {new_groundings[label] if label in new_groundings else label: value for label, value in classifier.stats.items()}
[docs] def dump(self, model_name, path=None): """Save disambiguator to disk Parameters ---------- model_name : str Model files will be saved in directory with this name. path : Optional[str] Path where model is to be stored. Defaults to current directory. Default: None """ if path is None: path = os.getcwd() grounding_dict = self.grounding_dict names = self.names classifier = self.classifier model_path = os.path.join(path, model_name) # Create model directory if it does not already exist if not os.path.exists(model_path): os.makedirs(model_path) classifier.dump_model(os.path.join(model_path, '%s_model.gz' % model_name)) with open(os.path.join(model_path, '%s_grounding_dict.json' % model_name), 'w') as f: json.dump(grounding_dict, f) with open(os.path.join(model_path, '%s_names.json' % model_name), 'w') as f: json.dump(names, f)
[docs] def version(self): """Returns version string for disambiguator Returns ------- str String of the form <adeft_version>::<timestamp>::<hash> where <hash> is the md5 hash of the grounding_dict jsonified with sorted keys. """ model = self.classifier try: timestamp = model.timestamp adeft_version = model.version except AttributeError: logger.warning('Information is not available to calculate' ' model version') return None gdict_json = json.dumps(self.grounding_dict, sort_keys=True) gdict_hash = md5(gdict_json.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() return '%s::%s::%s' % (adeft_version, timestamp, gdict_hash)
[docs] def info(self): """Get information about disambiguator and its performance. Displays disambiguations model is able to produce. Shows class balance of disambiguation labels in the models training data and crossvalidated F1 score, precision, and recall on training data. Classification metrics for multi-label data are calculated by taking the micro-average over the positive labels. This means the metrics are calculated globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives, and false positives. Positive labels are starred in in the displayed output. F1, Precision, and Recall are also shown for for each label separately. Classification metrics may not be available depending upon how the model was trained. Returns ------- str A string representing the information about the disambigutor. """ if len(self.shortforms) > 1: readable_shortforms = (','.join(self.shortforms[:-1]) + ', and ' + self.shortforms[-1]) else: readable_shortforms = self.shortforms[0] output = 'Disambiguation model for %s\n\n' % readable_shortforms output += 'Produces the disambiguations:\n' for grounding, name in sorted(self.names.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): pos = '*' if grounding in self.pos_labels else '' output += '\t%s%s\t%s\n' % (name, pos, grounding) output += '\n' if not (hasattr(self.classifier, 'stats') and self.classifier.stats): output += 'Model statistics are not available.' return output model_stats = self.classifier.stats output += 'Class level metrics:\n' output += '--------------------\n' label_distribution = model_stats['label_distribution'] # number of digits after the decimal place to report when # displaying value of a metric metric_digits = 5 name_pad = max((len(val) for val in self.names.values())) count_pad = max(len(str(count)) for count in label_distribution.values()) metric_pad = metric_digits + 2 header = '%s\t%s\t%s\n' % ('Grounding'.ljust(name_pad), 'Count'.ljust(count_pad), 'F1'.ljust(metric_pad)) output += header for grounding, count in sorted(label_distribution.items(), key=lambda x: - x[1]): name = (self.names[grounding] if grounding in self.names else 'Ungrounded') pos = '*' if grounding in self.pos_labels else '' try: f1 = round(model_stats[grounding]['f1']['mean'], metric_digits) except KeyError: f1 = '' output += '%s%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (name.rjust(name_pad), pos, str(count).rjust(count_pad), str(f1).rjust(metric_pad)) output += '\n' output += 'Global Metrics:\n' output += '-----------------\n' f1 = round(model_stats['f1']['mean'], 5) output += '\tF1 score:\t%s\n' % f1 precision = round(model_stats['precision']['mean'], 5) output += '\tPrecision:\t%s\n' % precision recall = round(model_stats['recall']['mean'], 5) output += '\tRecall:\t\t%s\n' % recall output += '\n' output += '* Positive labels\n' output += 'See Docstring for explanation\n' return output
[docs]def load_disambiguator(shortform, path=ADEFT_MODELS_PATH): """Returns adeft disambiguator loaded from models directory Searches folder specified by path for a disambiguation model that can disambiguate the given shortform and returns this model Parameters ---------- shortform : str Shortform to disambiguate. path : Optional[str] Path to models directory. Defaults to adeft's pretrained models. Users have the option to specify a path to another directory to use custom models. Returns ------- py:class:`adeft.disambiguate.AdeftDisambiguator` A disambiguator that was loaded from a file. Returns None if there are no disambiguation models in the supplied folder that can disambiguate the given shortform """ available = get_available_models(path=path) try: model_name = available[shortform] except KeyError: logger.error('No model available for shortform %s' % shortform) return None output = load_disambiguator_directly(os.path.join(path, model_name)) return output
[docs]def load_disambiguator_directly(path): """Returns disambiguator located at path Parameters ---------- path : str Path to a disambiguation model. Must be a path to a directory <model_name> containing the files <model_name>_model.gz, <model_name>_grounding_dict.json, <model_name>_names.json Returns ------- py:class:`adeft.disambiguate.AdeftDisambiguator` A disambiguation model loaded from folder specified by path """ model_name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(path)) model = load_model(os.path.join(path, model_name + '_model.gz')) with open(os.path.join(path, model_name + '_grounding_dict.json')) as f: grounding_dict = json.load(f) with open(os.path.join(path, model_name + '_names.json')) as f: names = json.load(f) output = AdeftDisambiguator(model, grounding_dict, names) return output