Source code for adeft.recognize

"""Implements the disambiguation of shortforms based on recognizing an
explicit defining pattern in text."""

import re
import string
import logging

from adeft.nlp import stem, word_tokenize, word_detokenize
from adeft.util import get_candidate_fragments, get_candidate, SearchTrie

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

    from adeft.score import AlignmentBasedScorer
except Exception:'OneShotRecognizer not available. Extension module for'
                ' AlignmentBasedScorer is missing')

[docs]class BaseRecognizer(object): """Base class for recognizers Recognizers are built to identify longform expansions for a shortform by searching for defining patterns (DPs). Parameters ---------- shortform : str shortform to be recognized window : Optional[int] Specifies range of characters before a defining pattern (DP) to consider when finding longforms. Should be set to the same value that was used in the AdeftMiner that was used to find longforms. Default: 100 """ def __init__(self, shortform, window=100): self.shortform = shortform self.window = window
[docs] def recognize(self, text): """Find longforms in text by searching for defining patterns (DPs) Parameters ---------- text : str Sentence where we seek to disambiguate shortform Returns ------- expansions : set of str Set of longforms corresponding to shortform in sentence if a defining pattern is matched. Returns None if no defining patterns are found """ results = [] fragments = get_candidate_fragments(text, self.shortform, window=self.window) for fragment in fragments: if not fragment: continue tokens, longform_map = get_candidate(fragment) # search for longform in trie result = self._search(tokens) # if a longform is recognized, add it to output list if result: longform = result['longform'] num_tokens = len(word_tokenize(longform)) longform_text = longform_map[num_tokens] result = self._post_process(result) result['longform_text'] = longform_text results.append((result)) return results
[docs] def strip_defining_patterns(self, text): """Return text with defining patterns stripped This is useful for training machine learning models where training labels are generated by finding defining patterns (DP)s. Models must be trained to disambiguate texts that do not contain a defining pattern. The output on the first sentence of the previous paragraph is "This is useful for training machine learning models where training labels are generated by finding DPs." Parameters ---------- text : str Text to remove defining patterns from Returns ------- stripped_text : str Text with defining patterns replaced with shortform """ fragments = get_candidate_fragments(text, self.shortform) for fragment in fragments: # Each fragment is tokenized and its longform is identified tokens = word_tokenize(fragment) result = self._search([token for token, _ in tokens if token not in string.punctuation]) if result is None: # For now, ignore a fragment if its grounding has no longform # from the grounding map continue longform = result['longform'] # Remove the longform from the fragment, keeping in mind that # punctuation is ignored when extracting longforms from text num_words = len(longform.split()) i = 0 j = len(tokens) - 1 while i < num_words: if re.match(r'\w+', tokens[j][0]): i += 1 j -= 1 if i > self.window: break text = text.replace(fragment.strip(), word_detokenize(tokens[:j+1])) # replace all instances of parenthesized shortform with shortform stripped_text = re.sub(r'\(\s*%s\s*\)' % self.shortform, ' ' + self.shortform + ' ', text) stripped_text = ' '.join(stripped_text.split()) return stripped_text
def _search(self, tokens): """Method to identify longform expansion from tokens preceeding DP This method should take a list of tokens preceeding a defining pattern and return a longform expansion as a single string """ raise NotImplementedError def _post_process(self, text): """Post-processing step for longform expansion Default to no post-processing """ return text
[docs]class AdeftRecognizer(BaseRecognizer): """Class for recognizing longforms by searching for defining patterns (DP) Searches text for the pattern "<longform> (<shortform>)" for a collection of grounded longforms supplied by the user. Parameters ---------- shortform : str shortform to be recognized grounding_map : dict[str, str] Dictionary mapping longform texts to their groundings window : Optional[int] Specifies range of characters before a defining pattern (DP) to consider when finding longforms. Should be set to the same value that was used in the AdeftMiner that was used to find longforms. Default: 100 Attributes ---------- _trie : :py:class:`adeft.recognize._TrieNode` Trie used to search for longforms. Edges correspond to stemmed tokens from longforms. They appear in reverse order to the bottom of the trie with terminal nodes containing the associated longform in their data. """ def __init__(self, shortform, grounding_map, window=100): self.grounding_map = grounding_map self.search_trie = SearchTrie(grounding_map, token_map=lambda x: stem(x).lower()) super().__init__(shortform, window) def _search(self, tokens): res, _ = if res is not None: res = {'longform': res} return res def _post_process(self, result): """Map longform to associated grounding in grounding map""" return {'grounding': self.grounding_map[result['longform']]}
[docs]class OneShotRecognizer(BaseRecognizer): """Identify longform expansions using subsequence matching Uses a string matching algorithm to determine longform boundaries for a defining pattern for only a single text. Attributes ---------- shortform : str shortform to be recognized window : Optional[int] Specifies range of characters before a defining pattern (DP) to consider when finding longforms. Should be set to the same value that was used in the AdeftMiner that was used to find longforms. Default: 100 **params Parameters for :py:class`adeft.score.AdeftLongformScorer` """ def __init__(self, shortform, window=100, **params): try: self.scorer = AlignmentBasedScorer(shortform, **params) except NameError: logger.exception('OneShotRecognizer not available.' ' Extension module for AlignmentBasedScorer' ' is missing') super().__init__(shortform, window) def _search(self, tokens): """Use AdeftLongformScorer to identify expansions""" scores = self.scorer.expanding_score([stem(token).lower() for token in tokens]) n = len(tokens) i = max(range(len(scores)), key=lambda i: scores[i]) longform = ' '.join(tokens[n-i-1:]) return {'longform': longform, 'score': scores[i]} def _post_process(self, result): return {'score': result['score']}